Economy, Welfare to Work


The Department for Communities and Local Government


* Social housing will be reformed to provide a more tailored response to individual need at lower cost. Investment alongside this reform will deliver up to 150,000 new affordable homes by 2014-15. Meanwhile, investment via the Decent Homes programme will continue to improve the existing social housing stock.

* CLG’s overall resource budget will reduce by 33 per cent in real terms over the period. Within this, CLG will devolve £1.6 billion to local government. This means the reduction in the department’s resource budget will be 51 per cent in real terms by 2014-15.

* CLG will make reductions of 42 per cent in real terms on administration costs. This will be achieved through the closure of the Government Office network, reducing the number of Arms Length Bodies by 17 and reducing the size of the department. As a result of this settlement, programmes including the Working Neighbourhoods Fund, Growth Area Funding and the Thames Gateway programme will end, in order to rationalise funding streams, make savings and take a more disciplined approach to Government spending.

* Fire resource expenditure will reduce by 13 per cent in real terms over the Spending Review period. Within this, central government grants to local authorities will be reduced by 25 per cent over the period. To achieve this level of savings, the Fire and Rescue Service will need to modernise, increase efficiency and deliver workforce reform. It will be for individual fire authorities to decide how to make these savings.

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