Events, Skills

Institue for employment research report!!

You are invited to attend the first LLAKES Autumn Seminar

Monday 17 October 2011, 16.00-17.30, Room 736
Professor Anne Green, Institute for Employment Research.

Spatial Inequalities in the UK: The importance of sub-national perspectives on employment and skills

This presentation will discuss theoretical perspectives on spatial disparities and the main patterns and changes in spatial inequalities in employment and skills in the UK following the recession of 2008/9. It will argue that, in general, the weakest areas suffered disproportionately from a rise in unemployment during recession. This indicates the associated challenge of spatial rebalancing given the above and the importance of the public sector in providing jobs – and notably high quality jobs – in the North and Midlands. The presentation will outline why a sub-national perspective on employment and skills is important from the perspective of individuals, and how and why employers may or may not favour local workers. The potential role of spatial mobility in achieving a better balance in employment and skills and the role to be played by people and place-based policies will also be explained.

All events take place at the Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London

The event is free but booking is required. Please email LLAKES –

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