THE GRAPEVINE! news, comment & a bit of gossip, THINK TANK - The Ideas Zone....!!!, Welfare to Work

When is a job placement not a job placement (A4e)

When is a job placement not a job placement (A4e)

Questions are being raised about whether and why jobseekers are being put on placements within providers own offices.

A former government official is reported as saying that he was “very surprised” that A4e had placed the unemployed to work in its own offices.

The Guardian however reports that there is no suggestion that A4e would have received any direct financial reward for placing people in unpaid work experience. Seetec is quoted in the article and in a statement Seetec said:

“There are occasions where people taking part in MWA would carry out a work placement with a local employer who may be a private company, but this would be a placement that does deliver community benefit.”

DWP has now clarified that private companies CAN also be included in the definition of “community benefit”.

We are not sure that there is a story here except the possibility that ‘maybe’ historically DWP has not been clear. But more importantly,  – as the Guardian writes- MP’s have not been as diligent as they ought to have been in scrutinising the details of the programmes.

Surely as long as there is no financial benefit, anything that moves a job seeker closer to the labour market has got to be good!


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