The Benefit System

Drug tests for new benefit claimants

Drug tests for new benefit claimants

The legislation which requires new applicants of welfare to undergo drugs test has been voted in…

Relax…. this has been brought in in the US for those seeking to claim ‘Temporary Assistance for Needy Families’ in the United States. Applicants will to undergo a special screening process. If those results raise suspicion, the applicant would have to take a drug test.

The inevitable question whch this raises is whether there is political appetite for this in the UK. There are those on the political right – as well as some who have historically been on the left who have aregued that there is a debate worth happening around this very controversial issue.


Potential ramifications of drug testing are loss of jobs or reputation, loss of benefits, loss of custody of children, denial of transplants, and revocation of probation landing more people in jail.


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