Welfare to Work

Welfare to work, economy, employment and more…

Welfare to work, economy, employment and more...

Labour attacks work programme as chaotic

Labour has criticised the Work Programme as an “almighty mess” after official forecasts have shown that 1 million fewer people would be eligible for the scheme.  The Government disclosed in May that 1.4 million people would be eligible for the scheme, rather than the 2.6 million forecast in December.  This represents a 43% reduction.  A DWP spokesperson said…

anyway….. lets move on

Study reveals that regional pay will not increase jobs

 The research undertaken for the TUC by the New Economic Foundation (NEF) found that in a best case scenario, varied pay for public sector workers in the regions would only create 11,000 jobs at a cost of £2.7bn.  In a worst case scenario the NEF predicted a fall in job numbers of 110,000 and a £9.7bn loss in national income.

Double dipp (double ‘p’) recession is over

According to the Ernst & Young’s ITEM Club, Britain’s double dip recession is over and the recovery is on its way. The ITEM Club has made this prediction despite its decision to downgrade its growth forecasts for 2012 from 0.4pc to 0pc


The positive impact of the benefits cap

1,700 people who would have been affected by the £26,000-a-year limit have taken up work since being warned about next year’s cap.

The Department for Work and Pensions estimated initially that 67,000 households would be affected. That figure has been revised to 56,000,


Don’t take away entitlements from the elderly

A poll commissioned by British Future has found 47 per cent of 18 to 24 year olds agree that it would be wrong to withdraw people’s pension and fuel allowance “however well off they are”.  Only 32 per cent of those surveyed believed in removing benefits from wealthier pensioners.

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