Press, Welfare to Work, Work Capability Assessment

– BBC report. Atos Healthcare paid £100 Million and tells terminally ill man he can work

The Report takes an in-depth look at the controversial Fit to Work tests.

The cost of long-term sickness benefit is £90 per week which is paid to 2.6m people or 7% of British adults. The total cost is £12.5bn

The report looks in detail at the Work Capability test.

Atos Healthcare is paid £100m per year over 8 years to administer the test.

In this report Atos Healthcare tells a terminally ill man that because he can walk he is capable of work.

However Atos fails to acknowledge that he has been advised that unless he walks he will die due to his triple-by-pass. He is walking to recover! but it is described by Atos as an ability  i.e what the claimant “Can do”


Doctors working for Atos have spoken out after being told that they are too lenient.

The architect of ESA Paul Gregg is also interviewed.

It is worth listening to this broadcast.

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