THE GRAPEVINE! news, comment & a bit of gossip, Welfare to Work

Future of the Merlin Standard


After much sweat, tears collaboration and joint working between DWP,  providers, Office of the Third Sector the Commission for the Compact and others we now have The Merlin Standard.

Recent events in the sector have led to questions about whether Merlin will survive.

One of the central principles of Merlin is its remit to provide Stewardship of the welfare to work market place through co-regulation. The standard seeks to objectively and independently examine the relationship between the Prime Contractor and the Supply Chain.

Based on the above points there is no reason why Merlin should be in jeopardy. In fact the standard is seen by other departments as an exemplar.

However, the other role of Merlin is “….to review the role of commissioning, including the procurement process and how supply chain behaviour is affected by the behaviour of the commissioner”.

I would hazard a guess that Merlin is not dead but if it is to survive it needs to pull a few rabbits out of the proverbial hat and  Influence the Influencers!

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