The Regions, THINK TANK - The Ideas Zone....!!!, Welfare to Work

-Serco unveils its Work Programme Executive Summary

Serco unveils its Work Programme Executive Summary and interactive delivery model


Serco Welfare to Work recently submitted bids to deliver the Work Programme in 11 areas across England and Wales. We are now pleased to share with you our Work Programme Executive Summary.


To accompany the summary, and in keeping with our transparent approach, we are also proud to publish our delivery networks for each contract package area. These illustrate our bespoke solution within each area and set out our networks of quality providers from across the private, public and voluntary sectors.


To allow you to further explore our distinct three-phased customer journey we have produced an online interactive delivery model. This not only provides additional information about each stage of the journey, but also shows how our Engage, Enable and Empower Phases might work for four very different individuals.


Last, but by no means least, read in full our new Customer Charter, which sets out Serco’s commitment to our Work Programme customers. Should we be successful, all customers on Serco’s Work Programme will have access to a copy. It will be displayed in every delivery site, available in accessible formats and online. We make a promise to our customers about the quality of service they will receive, and want to ensure that they can hold us to account for delivering on these commitments. In this way, jobseekers will be empowered to be active participants in the Work Programme and to co-own their individual journey into sustained employment.


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