THE GRAPEVINE! news, comment & a bit of gossip, The Regions, Welfare to Work

How many other Primes are laying off staff?

How many other Primes are laying off staff?

How many other Primes are laying off staff?

Under ESF Families, local authorities are responsible to refer families. Once local authorities sign off all those who are referred to the programme, only then can providers meet with individuals, complete assessments and send the forms up for JCP to check they are eligible.

However, it seems that most local authorities have rejected the initial wish of providers to generate their own referrals on the grounds that providers didn’t know the individuals concerned.

Apparently, DWP have now put a policy in place that will enable self-generating referrals. however local authorities still have to sign off these referrals and can therefore still reject the policy.

We don’t know if it is affecting the staff of prime’s in all regions, however the supply chain team in one region is now doubling up roles with one manager now in charge of 2 regions. The organisation is having to let go a lot of staff because local authorities (throughout the UK) have been  slow in agreeing to send through referrals.

Feel free to comment if you have any further information on the process of referrals …

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