The People’s Parliament

Domain name for sale


The People’s Parliament

coming to…

Liverpool, Coventry, Bristol

Britain is widely believed to be suffering a crisis in democracy. Citizens appear to be disengaging from the political process; the increased numbers of protests, strikes and occupations further serve to enforce this view. The low turnout rate – 42% – in the recent Alternative Voting referendum also serves to underscore this. The movement/trend away from formal interaction towards informal involvement can be seen as a response to the breakdown between the governors and those they govern. There is a growing disconnect between the political parties, their policies, their message and the electorate.

There can be no quick fix, or a mere bandage to heal this divide,

What can be done however, is to ensure that there are available forums, platforms and organizations willing to represent and amplify the public’s voice.


The People’s Parliament will hold events throughout the country which will allow the public to debate, discuss, unite and act in order to serve support and bolster our democratice process. Inclusive by design and nature, The People’s Parliament will enable the public to share their valuable ideas, to connect with likeminded individuals and to collaborate in designing solutions to the problems which Britain is facing today.

The People’s Parliament is not only a forum for discussion but a powerful force for change and influence. The key ideas generated and decisions reached, will be strategically fed back to decision makers in Westminster and widely publicised through the press and social media. This is an enabling process…

The People’s Parliament will not be one off events, or isolated meetings but we have designed a network that will support dialogue and discussion between members of the public as well as offering a space for the production, dissemination of comment through research papers, commentaries and articles that will develop the foundations for the forums in London, Manchester and Birmingham.

The media and politicians have their say; The People’s Parliament provides the opportunity for ordinary people to have theirs.

More information coming Soon…..

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